After a year of being closed to the public, the Palmer Park Recreation Center welcomes families, once again, to register for the Port Huron Recreation Department’s upcoming summer programs.

The Recreation Department is reintroducing many familiar programs for the 2021 summer season. Several outdoor sports classes, including swimming and art-related programs, are available for children and adults. In addition, The Recreation Department is partnering with the Friends of the St. Clair River to offer two nature programs, Wetlands Wanderings and Blue Water Butterflies.
For the safety of participants and staff, strict COVID-19 guidelines will be implemented, including limits on group participant sizes, social distancing measures, and mask-wearing for staff and patrons alike.
“We are happy to be offering some of the quality recreational opportunities the Port Huron Recreation Department is known for. Being able to do this in a responsibly safe manner has been a challenge, but we have met that challenge as we do everything— head-on with success as the goal,” said Melanie Chandler, co-supervisor of the Port Huron Recreation Department.
Residents of the City of Port Huron may register for summer programs starting Monday, May 3. Non-residents may register Tuesday, May 4. Due to a partnership with Fort Gratiot, Burtchville, Clyde, and Port Huron Townships, their residents have been afforded the City of Port Huron’s resident rate.
For individuals looking to register, registration is available in person at the Palmer Park Recreation Center on 2829 Armour St. in Port Huron, online at, by mail, or by fax to 810-984-0192. Cash, credit or debit card, and check are accepted. Checks may be made payable to the City of Port Huron.
Registration forms may be downloaded at or are available at the Port Huron Recreation Department.