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  • Writer's picturePort Huron Recreation Dept.

COVID-19 & Summer 2020 at the REC

Updated: Aug 31, 2022

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic gripping our nation and the world, it is with great regret that the Port Huron Recreation Department will need to suspend face to face programming this summer. This includes Sanborn and Court St. pools, sports programs, Camp Palmer, arts, nature classes, Junior Recreators and a majority of our typical summer programs.

This pandemic has certainly changed our lives quickly and substantially. This decision was not taken lightly but we need to do all we can to keep our children and our recreation families safe. None of us likes the situation we find ourselves in, however, by working together we can lower the spread of the virus in our community. It would sadden us far more if you or your family came to harm due to our lack of action.

None of us likes the situation we find ourselves in, however, by working together we can lower the spread of the virus in our community. It would sadden us far more if you or your family came to harm due to our lack of action.

The Port Huron Recreation Department will, however, do all it can to continue to offer other recreational opportunities for families this summer. These opportunities may look different than what we have seen in the past but will continue to keep our residents engaged in innovative recreational activities at this critical time. New programs will be announced by the end of May.

Thank you to all of our recreation families for understanding. Please look for our upcoming “new fun” programming and stay safe and healthy.

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